Sunday, October 17, 2010

Admirably Small....

Admirably Small.... 
I was looking at different pictures of shoes from all around the world, and they all were very interesting and beautiful. Then I stumbled upon a very beautiful shoe, which I thought at first to be a decorating piece, until I read more about it and found that its called the Chinese Lotus shoe. There are many articles written on this, in fact UCSF has done research on this shoe, but I just wanted to write what I feel about it as I find it perfect to be a “design in society” topic.  

Picture taken from: Google Images
In Chinese culture, every woman was desired to have a feet that resemble a “three-inch golden lotus.” Chinese men loved women with small feet (may be in general most men like women with small feet), thats why a woman would put a generous amount of time in making her own wedding shoes. A matchmaker would show this shoe to the desired mother-in-law, instead of girl or her picture. Well, that might be great for a woman who doesn’t look great, she doesn't need any surgeries or make up because if she have very small feet she will get married anyway, and most probably to a better person.    

Picture taken from : Google Images
It is not natural for any Grown up human to have a three inch feet, that is why a girls feet were wrapped in cloth for all her life which results in broken toes. Though It is not practiced any more in China, but still it was being practiced until twentieth century which proves that how important a design of a shoe was in Chinese society, and how women would go through all that pain just for this particular design because it provided them the desired feet size. 

There is no doubt that these shoes were beautiful, and are an obvious example of the meticulous hand embroidery that Chinese women use to do. The colors were picked and designs were made according to the occasion.    

Picture taken from: Google Images

Now you girls should decide, do you want to impress guys by your lotus feet or not? All you have to do is to bare the pain of binding you feet, but eventually you will find a nice guy, so it's not a bad deal or is it?.  

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