Monday, October 4, 2010

My Encounter with Design as a child

I am definitely one of those people who hate writing about themselves and about their experiences, but what can I do, as I have to write my first design experience as a child because it’s mandatory for my Design 1 class.
 As a kid I always use to be on a quest of different materials. I use to dive in the closets of my house in search of different materials, materials through which I could do something creative and turn them in to something stylish yet durable. I use to steal buttons and laces from my moms sewing supplies box which was strictly prohibited, use to remove the crystal beads hanging on the chandelier, cutting electrical wires to get the inner metal core from it which use to be the key element of my designs. I use to spend significant time designing different stuff such as jewelry, boxes, clothes, curtains, furniture etc, my hobbies included interior designing, jewelry making, sewing, painting, sketching, etc. All these activities were more than enough for me to make a decision to study design.
Ever since I was a child I use to get different ideas to design things by looking at the normal stuff around me. Everything I saw used to give me an idea on how it can be transformed into a recognizable design piece. 
One day I saw a beautiful wooden box at a shop and I really liked it but it was very expensive. Later that day I thought of designing a box myself, so I looked in to my stuff and I found an old wooden board. I could not cut that board myself because it was too thick for me to cut. So I sketched the box and noted the measurements and took it to a carpenter to get it cut. After getting the desired size of pieces of wood I nailed them and made a box. The box looked like a square, I could not polish the box as I didn't knew how to polish, so I hand painted it. I made patterns and flowers on it. It was an amazing feeling to create a pretty looking box from an old and debilitated wood board. As a child it was quite an accomplishment. I was sure after making this box that I wanted to be a designer and this was the time when I decided that I will study design. This interest brought me to UC Davis to major in design. 

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